I Would Prefer Not To 


August 2023 >> Episode III Münchner G‘schichtn
Summer Residency Don & me @ https://archiv2.kunstraum-muenchen.de/index.html
freindly founded by BBK Oberbayern / Verbindungslinien / LfA Förderbank Bayern / Theurer trucks 

May 2022 >>> Brussels Blurring Borders (BEL)

June 2022 >>> Vienna Calling (AT)

Project made possible by Erwin und Gisela von Steiner Stiftung // KÖR Kunst im Öffentlichen Raum Wien // BBK // Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien // Neustart Kultur 
Saddler: Sattlerei Guido Netzer https://www.sattlerei-netzer.de 


Yearly exhibition of the class of fine arts Stephan Huber: „Menschen, Tiere, Sensationen“

I remember myself of the holy Communion!

Opening FR 15.07.11 | 16:00 - 24:00 Uhr  | Raum EG 22 und 26 (im Altbau links)

Akademie der Bildenden Künste München | Akademiestr. 2

Öffnungszeiten täglich 12:00 - 20:00 Uhr  | Ausstellung SA 16.07. - SO 24.07.11

„Die Goldenen Zwanziger. Les Annés Folles.The Roaring Twenties“

Plattform der Kunstwissenschaften LMU, Leitung Dr. Isabella Goebel u. Regina Wohlfahrt

Eröffnung 20.02.11, 17.00 Uhr, Ludwigstr. 25, München


Der große P(aulus)

Gruppenausstellung der Klasse Stephan Huber

Katholische Akademie in Bayern


6.000 Jahre München
Galerie der Künstler, München | 28. Mai bis 20. Juni 2008 | 


„Liebe Katze“

exhibition with the topic „Animal“

Dachauerstrasse 114 / Biennaleroom / Munich

Vernissage       Wednesday, 5. Okt., 19 Uhr

Finissage        Friday, 7. Okt., 19 Uhr

Opening hours:

We      5.10.:            19-23 Uhr

Tu       6.10.:            10-19 Uhr

Fr        7.10.:            10-19 Uhr

ROME DAAD Academy of fine arts Rome


Blutenburgstr. 17

eine Ausstellung von Sandra Hauser / Simone Kessler

Galerie „VORSCHAU“ München, Doris Würgert

Eröffnung 04.05.2010, 19.00 Uhr

05. bis 21. Mai 2010

Blutenburgstr. 17, 80636 München


Download Katalog zur Ausstellung

„Für immer Dein ...“

Johannes Evers, Sandra Hauser, Anna Jermolaewa, Leigh Ledare, Robert Melee, Björn Rodday, Anna Witt

In der Wahl seiner Eltern kann man nicht vorsichtig genug sein.

Paul Watzlawick

Gruppenausstellung städtische Galerie Lothringer 13/ Laden

  1. 19.März – 24. April 2010 | Do, Fr, Sa 16 – 19 Uhr Eröffnung am Donnerstag, 18. März 2010, 19 Uhr

Pressebericht LINK

Actually: „Devi morire prima di morire“

Exhibition „Past Forward“

Civic Museum Bassano del Grappa, Italy I Project by Giovanni Cervi, curated by Giovanni Cervi, Yasha Young and Diego Knore

Opening 31 August





Actually: „Do you know how many stars there are above“  LINK

Exhibition „Gino on my mind“

curated by Sandro Cecchi and Carlo Fatigoni

Opening:             15 September - 17.00 h

Duration:             16 - 30 September

Location:             Museum Mole Vanvitelliana, Banchina Giovanni da Chio 28, 60121 Ancona, (It)

Link Museum Mole Vanvitelliana

Download Press release

Download Flyer

Upcoming: Performance „ Le Cabinet des Arts – Monsieur Renard et l’efants effronté LINK


Klasse Stephan Huber im Spiegelsaal in Berlin

Termin:                01 October 20.00 - 03.00 h

Location:        Spiegelsaal c/o Clärchens Ballhaus I Auguststr. 24 I 10117 Berlin


LINK Spiegelsaal

Caravaggio and me at WOODENLEG! Thanks to Giovanni Cervi!     CHECK OUT HERE  >>>

Other Articles/Links:





„DEVI MORIRE PRIMA DI MORIRE“ at the finalists exhibition of the „Premio Adrenalina“ at the

MACRO TESTACCIO La Pelanda I Museum of contemporary arts, Rome (IT) I 15 November until 2 December I 16 - 22 h

Exhibition „HERE TODAY, MARS TOMORROW“ I Museum PALAZZO DUCALE Genova (Italy)  I curated by Giovanni Cervi

Opening 21 December 2012  - 06 Jannuary 2013


Interview: IN SECCOLO XIX LINK >>>

„Do you know how many stars there are above“  >>> LINK  I  Exhibition „FESTIVAL DELLA CREATIVITÀ“

curated by Costantino D‘Orazio

Opening: 8 February - 19.00 - 01.00 h

Duration:           9 February - 3 March 2013

Location: FACTORY MACRO I EX-MATTATOIO Testaccio - Piazza Orazio Giustiniani 4, 00153 Rome

Download Program Festival


INSIDEART Article from Claudia Quintieri LINK >>>

Pensieri di Carta Pesta LINK >>>

Actually: „The Girl with the Beautiful Eyes“  >>> LINK  I  Exhibition „HIC ET NUNC - un segno d'artista" Un augurio ad‘arte, IV Edizione


Yo Akao, Getulio Alviani, Salvatore Anelli, Caterina Arcuri, Paola Babini, Cesare Berlingeri, Danilo Bucchi, Stefano Cagol, Miki Carone, Angelo Casciello, Lucilla Catania, Pietro Coletta, Mario Cresci, Fernando De Filippi, Lucio Del Pezzo, Danilo De Mitri, Giulio De Mitri, Teo De Palma, Marcello Di Donato, Luigi Filograno, Andrea Fogli, Raffaella Formenti, Michele Giangrande, Sandra Hauser, Iginio Iurilli, Luigi Mainolfi, Alfredo Maiorino, Marianna Masciolini, Franco Menolascina, Albano Morandi, Gianluca Murasecchi, Luigi Ontani, Antonio Paradiso, Luca Maria Patella, Francesco Patriarca, Mimma Pisani, Valeria Sanguini, Maurizio Savini, Giuseppe Silos Labini, Giuseppe Spagnulo, Donatella Spaziani, Mauro Staccioli, Giuseppe Teofilo, Silvano Tessarollo, Antonio Violetta.

Opening: 20 February - 18.00 h

Duration:           21 February - 3 March 2013

Location: Centro Open Space, via Romagna, 55, 88100 Catanzaro 

Download Flyer

Upcoming: „Devi morire prima di morire“  >>> LINK  I  Exhibition „OPEN // The Generation of Future“

curated by Graziano Menolascina


Yo Akao I Matteo Basilé I Danilo Bucchi I Alessandro Boezio I Manuele Cerutti I Danilo De Mitri I Daniele Galliano I Paolo Grassino I

Sandra Hauser I VisualPaco I Francesco Patriarca I Valeria Sanguini I Maurizio Savini I Silvano Tessarollo

Opening: 7 March - 19.30 h

Duration:           8 March - 17 April 2013

Location: Cultural Association BluOrg I Via M. Celentano 92/94 I 70121 Bari (Italy)

Download Invitation >>>


INSIDEART Article form Claudia Quintieri LINK >>>


Article on WOODENLEG LINK >>>

Alessandro Tich, Bassanonet.it  I  LINK >>>


Lobodilattice LINK >>>

Presentation „Die Hochzeit“ („The wedding“) in the magazine ARIA - Volume: "C'ERA UNA VOLTA, UNA VOLTA SOLA"

Event 21 June 2013 I from 17.00 to 20.00 I Gallery Wunderkammern I Rome

entry free


Talk for Contro Zona on the fair of contemporary art ArtVerona I Cristina Fiore and Andrea Penzo introduce the whole project of Contro Zona

Moderation: Petra Olivares

>>> LINK Video Talk

Exhibition "Espansioni | Contrazioni"

curated by Cristina Fiore & Andrea Penzo

Location FORTE CARPENEDO I Venice (Italy)


>>> Article Olivares cut by Petra Olivares

>>> Article Colorivivacimagazine by Ludovica Bellacosa

October/November 2014 in residency at Village ENI at Borca di Cadore (Italy)

More Infos here:



Solo Show at Kunstverein Rosenheim e.V.

„Sometimes I come, sometimes I go, but which is which, I don’t know . . .  . . . sometimes I am, sometimes I’m not, but which is which, I forgot“

This catalogue was funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts

The show was sponsered by Deutsche Bank and LFA Förderbank

For more Infos www.kunstverein-rosenheim.de to order write here contact@sandrahauser.org


Reprogramming Disneyland - The slightly different touristic guided tour

Short listed with my project proposal for Twocalls by Dolomiti Contemporanee

More Infos here:



OPEN STUDIO // 16 May 2015 // 14 h // Village ENI, Borca Project // Borca di Caodre (Italy)

More Infos here:



Conference about the project Dolomiti Contemporanee, Twocalls and Progetto Borca by Gianluca D’Incà Levis 

Thursday 28 May 2015 // 17.30 pm // MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art

Via Nizza 138, 00198 Rome

Present artists: Andrea Dojmi and Sandra Hauser

More info here:



curated by Alberto Dambruoso (Cultural Association "I Martedi Critici“ in collaboration with the municipality and the province of Cosenza)

From 18 July until the 02 August 2015

Info    http://imartedicritici.com/residenzeartistiche/

Catalogue  „Sometimes I come, sometimes I go, but which is which, I don’t know . . .  . . . sometimes I am, sometimes I’m not, but which is which, I forgot“

With texts by Stephan Huber, Mike Watson, Peter Weigel and Giovanni Cervi

Din A 3 / 50 Pages + Cover

Languages Deutsch + Englisch

500 Copies

Translation: Maria Daxenbichler

Layout: Eugen Kern-Emden and Sandra Hauser

Print: Graffietti Stampati s.n.c. 

Prize 19,- €

For buy or a preview in PDF please contact me: contact@sandrahauser.org

ISBN 978-3-939446-20-0

This publication is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts

Project Founding by Deutsche Bank and LFA Förderbank




Opening Thursday, 30 June, 19 h

Reception: Jana Borkamp, Bezirksstadträtin für Kultur und Weiterbildung

Introduction: Curator Harald Theiss, Curator

Exhibition running from 1 July until 21 August 2016

Saturday, 13 August, 18 h

Artist Talk with Sandra Hauser about the capitulation

Kommunale Galerie Alte Feuerwache

Opening hours: Tue–Thu 11–19 h, Fri–Sun 12–20 h 

Marchlewskistr. 6, 10243 Berlin | U5 Weberwiese

Fon 0049 (0)30. 293 479 426 | www.kulturamt-friedrichshain-kreuzberg.de

Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Berlin

With the friendly support by the Senatskanzlei-Kulturelle Angelegenheiten, Ausstellungsfonds Kommunale Galerien.





March 2017


Studi Festival #3

Saturday March 18, 2017, 6.00 PM

Viafarini Organisation

Via Carlo Farini 35, Milan


June => July => August => working in South of France

=> J.K. II => Next step out of the surrender

ENGAGE / Public school for Social Engagement in Artistic Research

curated by Viafarini in collaboration with Sunugal
VIR Viafarini-in-residence, Viafarini DOCVA Fabbrica del Vapore and other places in Milan

under the Patronage of Comune di Milano

with the collaboration of Assessorato Educazione e Assessorato Politiche Sociali

with the collaboration as social ambassadors of FabriQ - Incubator for Social Innovation of Milan City Council

Milan, October 2017

More Info >>> www.viafarini.org

Engage Public School participants: Tim Rollins (USA, recommended by ISCP), Maria Magdalena Campos Pons (Cuba), Lanchonete.org - Todd Lester (Brasil), Vitshois Mwilambwe Bondo (Democratic Republic of Congo, recommended by Rijksakademie); Moussa Traoré (Senegal), Alex Mawimbi (Kenya – UK), Zoya Sardashti (Iran – Italy), Mercedes Azpilicueta (Argentina – Italy), Muna Mussie (Eritrea – Italy), Délio Jasse(Angola – Italy), Ilaria Lupo (Italy – Lebanon), Beatrice Catanzaro (Italy, Milan), Jacopo Miliani (Italy, Milan), Nicolò Degiorgis (Italy, Bolzen), Francesco Fonassi (Italy, Brescia), Caterina Erika Shanta (Italy, Pordenone), Leone Contini (Italy, Florence), Enrico Floriddia (France – Italy, Catania), Baukje Spaltro (Italy – the Netherlands), Oriana Haddad (Italy – Egypt), Maurice Mbikayi (Democratic Republic of Congo), Maurice Pefura (Camerun - Italy Milano), Ako Atikossie (Togo, Italy Milan), Sandra Hauser (Germany).

Engage Academy Awards: Barbara Baiocchi (Italy, Varese), Saverio Bonato (Italy, Venice), Pamela Diamante (Italy, Bari), Carlo Miele (Italy, Milan), Isabella Mongelli (Italy, Taranto), Matteo Pasin (Italy, Treviso), Raziel Perin (Dominican Republic - Italy, Milan), Rui Wu (China - Italy, Milan).

ENGAGE relies on the collaboration of Sunugal (Milan/Dakar), organizations for intercultural dialogue and cooperation; of leading European and international institutions in the field of contemporary arts and culture –Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten (Amsterdam), Akademie Schloss Solitude (Stuttgart), Delfina Foundation (London), Residency Unlimited (New York City), ISCP International Studio & Curatorial Program (New York City), Futura Projects (Prague), for the communication of the Open Call.

ENGAGE is a training and research program, curated by Viafarini in collaboration with Sunugal, addressed to Italian and international artists, inviting them to spend a period of one week residency / workshop in Milan between 9 - 20 October 2017, in dialog with local social and creative mediators, aiming at researching and experimenting innovative ways of interaction between art practices and social sphere.

(ph. Maurizio Cattelan, RAUSS, 1991, GAM Bologna)

S U P R A L T A 

Group Show Opening 2 September 

end of residency July-August in Villemur sur Tarn, France

Nicola Bergamaschi I Marie Johanna Cornut I Nathalie Hugues I Sandra Hauser I Benoit Luisière I Andrea Salvino

Walking Show Start: 12.00 AM I Café de la Renaissance,  Place Charles Ourgaut, 31340 Villemur-sur-Tarn

Exposition running till 16 september 2017 I Opening hours 8h30 - 17h30

Municipality of Villemur sur Tarn

Opening Fr 18.05.                                 18 h
Sa 19.05.                                             14 - 19.30 h

Sun 20.05.                                            12 - 19.30 h
Grundloses Lachen
with Caroline Salomé Schubert                      17 h

Open Jam with Frau Hauser + DJ Salomé
for Singing saw and Laughter             
from 19.30 h

Galerie 21
Vorwerkstraße 21
20357 Hamburg

With the precious support by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

Running until 30.07.18

Evidence of Contemporary Disquiet

Presented by the Goethe - Institut in Naples


Eija-Liisa Ahtila / Günter Brus / Enzo Cucchi / Berlinde De Bruyckere / Giorgio De Chirico / Angus Fairhurst / Nan Goldin / Sandra Hauser /Jörg Immendorff / Mark Manders / Giovanni Manfredini / Fabio Mauri /Jonathan Meese / Gina Pane / Evan Penny / Andrea Salvino / Markus Schinwald / Dash Snow / Francesca Woodman

Opening Wednesday, 06th of June, 2018 – at 6,30 p.m.

07th June – 31st July 2018

Chiesa di San Giuseppe delle Scalze

Salita Pontecorvo, Naples

Curated by Davide Di Maggio

with the precious support of

Dott.ssa Maria Carmen Morese, Director of the Goethe - Institut Naples

Dott.ssa Elke Atzler, Director Forum Austriaco di Cultura, Rome

Francesca Blandino, Assistant to the curator

Goethe Institut:




Available now

Catalogue Evidence of Contemporary Disquiet


Eija-Liisa Ahtila / Günter Brus / Enzo Cucchi / Berlinde De Bruyckere / Giorgio De Chirico / Angus Fairhurst / Nan Goldin /

Sandra Hauser / Jörg Immendorff / Mark Manders / Giovanni Manfredini / Fabio Mauri / Jonathan Meese / Gina Pane /  

Evan Penny / Andrea Salvino / Markus Schinwald / Dash Snow / Francesca Woodman

Available at Fondazione Mudima, Milan

Language English / Italian 

Pages 120

Price15 Euro

Show and Catalogue presented by the Goethe - Institut Naples

curated by Davide di Maggio / Goethe Institut, Naples / Fondazione Mudima, Milan

Texts by Davide Di Maggio, Francesca Blandino, Lorenzo Canova.

Publisher Fondazione Mudima, Milano

Grafiche Aurora, Verona

Show took place at: Chiesa di San Giuseppe delle Scalze a Pontecorvo, Salita Pontecorvo, Naples (IT)

With the precious support of Maria Carmen Morese, Director of Goethe - Institut Naples // Austrian Forum of Culture, Rome 

More Info


For orders please write to info@mudima.net 

Project with Quivid (Office for Art in Public Space of the city Munich)

Kunst für Kinder

project in collaboration with artist Lena Gätjens

Publication out in october 2018



The official Film Poster of The Electric Horseman

The Electrical Horseman

Upcoming Performance in public space

More Infos soon! 

© Sandra Hauser

Mein Schwein!

Solo Show at Galerie Sandra Bürgel

Eröffnung Samstag, 1. Dez. 2018, 19-22 Uhr
4. Dezember 2018 - 2. Februar 2019

Counter Display invited artists
Sophie Baumgärtner, Catherine Biocca, Gabi Blum & Paulina Nolte, Katie Jayne Britchford, Anna McCarthy, Damenkapelle / Edition Julia Pfaller, Lena Gätjens, Matthias Glas, Kristina Heinrichs, Simone Kessler, Edie Monetti, Domino Pyttel, Lisa Reitmeier, Andrea Salvino, Lorenzo Scotto di Luzio, Wolfgang Stehle, Tatjana Živanović-Wegele


FB Link

4 . K U N S T _ F I L M _ T A G E

9. und 10. November 

Bettina Gorn, Sandra Hauser, Evamaria Schaller, Veronika Veit

Die KünstlerInnen stellen ihre Filme persönlich vor

Beginn jeweils 19 Uhr
Eintritt: Mitglieder 3.- EUR, Nichtmitglieder 5.- EUR

Klepperstrasse 19 / 83026 Rosenheim / Tel 08031 12166

Artist in Residence at The Wunderkammern Residence

permanent installation by Hans Op de Beeck

from 14 March - 21 April 2019

Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens (MDD)

Director Joost Declercq /
Curator Charlotte Crevits

More Info https://www.museumdd.be/en/archief-artists-in-residence/

Working on the new project
The Rider - Her Name Was King
A Cowboy is born

Self-portrait in Public Space

Art Fair ArtVerona with Suburbia Contemporary Art

booth P12-GT3

11 - 13 October 2019 / Verona (Italy)

Imitations / Der Mann in der Wand

curated by Gabi Blum

Alfred Kurz, Anita Edenhofer, Annabell Lachner, Arik Kofranek, Daniel Goehr, Elisabeth Wieser, Federico Delfrati, Gabi Blum, Gregory Infinity, Ivan Baschang, Sandra Hauser, Stefan Janitzky, Korbinian Jaud, Marcel Ralle, Michael Schrattenthaler, New 11, Paulina Nolte, Peter Kees, Regine Rode, Simone Kessler, Susi Gelb, Thomas Behling, Venske & Spähnle



Opening Fryday 8 March 19 I 18pm


Cigdem Aky | Sonja Allgaier | Janina Baldhuber | Luisa Baldhuber | Claudia Barcheri | Nadja Baschang | Dörthe Bäumer | Ronja Bernhardt | Laura Besta | Gabi Blum | Nataliya Borushchak | Sarah Buhmann | Veronica Burnuthian | Heike Döscher | Judith Egger | Julia Emslander | Lena Engel | Valentina Eppich | Simona De Fabritiis | Annemarie Faupel | Astrid Fernandez | Xenia Fumbarev | Lisa Geller | Charlotte Giacobbi | Jessica Kallage-Götze | Dana Greiner | Johanna v. Griessenbeck | Tina Hage | Verena Hägler | Xenia Hartok | Sandra Hauser | Ute Heim | Melina Hennicker | Victoria Hertel | Tanja Hirschfeld | Heeyoung Jo | Eun.Y Lee | Lize Levantey | Jie Li | Dana Lürken | Sophia Mainka | Nina Annabelle Märkl | Annabelle Mehraein | Rutene Merk | Luminita Mihailicenco | Betty Mü | Anselma Murswiek | Marie-Claire Nun | Fumie Ogura | Julia Pfaller | Tamy Alessandra Plank | Sara Raschke | Katja Rausch | Janina Roider | JungHae Ryu | Julia Schewalie | Sophie Schmidt | Anna Schölß | Olga Wiedenhöft | Youjin Yi | Sandra Zech | Eva Zenetti | Janka Zöller

Christian Achenbach + Mehtap Akdemir + Johannes Albers + Maria Anwander + Tara Ayough + Flurin Bisig + Jonas Blume + Peter Böhnisch + Emmanuel Bornstein + Martin Borowski + Birte Bosse + Joanna Buchowska + Stefano Cagol + Mimmo Catania + Louisa Clement + Paula Doepfner + Roger Eberhard + Gerrit Engel + Thomas Feuerstein + Andi Fischer + Alex Flemming + Fernanda Fragateiro + Philipp Fürhofer + Christine Gedeon + Björn Geipel + Andrej Golder + Otto Grokenberger + Sandra Hauser + Gregor Hildebrandt + Annika Hippler + Stefan Hirsig + Rene Holm+ Elana Katz+ Kristiane Kegelmann + Lindsey Landfried + Miriam Lenk + Daniel Lergon + Via Lewandowsky + John Allan MacLean + Sebastian Meschenmoser + Simon Modersohn + Jonathan Monk + Amalia Mourad + Sebastian Neeb + Vlad Olariu + Helena Parada Kirn + Manfred Peckl + Vangelis Pliarides + Paul Pretzer + DAG + Bernard Quesniaux + Sven Reile + Tanja Rochelmeyer + Gerwald Rockenschaub + Römer + Römer + Michael Sailstorfer + Christian Sauer + Maik Schierloh + Cornelia Schleime + Moritz Schleime + Nina E. Schönefeld + Anja Schwörer + Tanja Selzer + Anton Steenbock + Marcus Steinweg + Katja Strunz + Lars Teichmann + Marianne Thoermer + Milen Till + Luca Vitone + Jorinde Voigt + Hansa Wißkirchen + Thomas Zitzwitz


Safe Gallery at Les Valseuses presents

+1 a project by Peter Ungeheuer

From 15.08. to 16.10.2019

Opening 15.08.2019, from 7 pm at Dr. Maury, Schönhauser Allee 62, Berlin

Safe Gallery  www.safegallery.xyz

Les Valseuses

Eberswalder Straße 28, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg

Bistro open daily from 6:30 pm


Show visits by appointment only - pungeheuer@aol.com


Tanto peggio, tanto meglio

Residency 15 October - 18 November 2019

Installation in public space of the city and its surrounding

Matera 2019 / European Capital of Culture

Opening Sunday, 17 November 19 till 16 February 20

curated by Simona Spinella

Link Work Website

Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation

Musma Museum of Contemporary Sculpture

Il Sicomoro / Silent Academy in collaboration with Ibrahim Savane

BOXENSTOPP   >>>  curated by Peter Ungeheuer @ KWADRAT by Martin Kwade


Hauser & Bürgel spielen Lockdown

Solo Show  @ Galerie Sandra Bürgel 


Opening 07 November 2020  / 12 - 21.00 Uhr

7 November – 20 Dezember 2020


T +49 162 1676 999 info@/ www.galerie-buergel.de

Öffnungszeiten Di - Do 10 - 16 Uhr, Fr / Sa 13 - 19 Uhr

und nach Vereinbarung

Covid-19 – Zutritt begrenzt, Maskenpflicht, Anwesenheitsdokumentation

während Eröffnung


Working stipend from KUNSTFONDS // NEUSTART Kultur

Just happy!

Project Funding for „I Would Prefer Not To“ from the Erwin und Gisela von Steiner-Stiftung!

Just happy!

Interdisciplinary Art Project in the International Public Space together with the horse Don Orèo coming up 2021!

Project Funding 

KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum

I Would Prefer Not To

a Performance in European Public Space with the horse Don Orèo / Soon more!

Don Orèo is bought & supported by the

<<< Upcoming Solo Show „Curtain Call“

upcoming @ Diskurs https://www.discursus.info

curated by Peter Ungeheuer

from 29.04. - 12.05.















SAFESPACE - Elcetrify my golden tooth / Performance with Ice-Cold Alma Stripperin & Performerin

STRouX by Christof Zwiener

Show: „And if my thought-dreams could be seen „

Sandra Hauser, Meike Kuhnert und Lotta Bartoschewski

30.04 – 21.05. 2021






Solo Show @ La Traverse by Catherine Bastide

curated by Cristina Sanchez-Kozyreva

11.05. - 13.07.2024


Download Exhibition PDF


La Traverse

16 traverse Sainte Hélène

13007, Marseille, France